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The Wellness Bug

As we embark on cold and flu season I'd like to look at the nature of illness and what it means to me in my world and in my Holistic background. Coming from a yogic and holistic stance I view "illness" not as something to be feared but something to embrace. An opportunity.

Illness like colds and flu's I believe are a part of our lives to help us get well and to do so from every angle. We don't get sick we are getting well and it is Our job to help the process along.

There are so many ways we become susceptible to the "lower frequencies" of "illness."

How we live our day to day lives, the ways we dishonor ourselves, our voice, our truths, our bodies. We do this innocently by what products we put on our bodies, what we put inside of our bodies, the ways we choose to think, how we hold our voices and our truths back and most with our mindset.

I believe that there is always a silver lining and purpose to everything that happens in our lives. What we call illness comes along to assist us in stopping, to slow down and pause, be with and look at what we can be doing more honorably to our precious beings.

Some of the ways we can honor ourselves before we get what I like to call, “the wellness bug,” is to examine what we are feeding ourselves, starting with our thoughts.

* What we think about we bring about. Choosing a mindset of gratitude. An attitude of gratitude for it all. Having a daily gratitude practice is loving to your Being and it elevates our feel good hormones serotonin and dopamine. You can’t feel bad if you feel good! This practice raises our energetic vibration which actually makes us unattractive to lower illness bugs.

* Have you heard the saying, "You are what you eat?" This is true…we eat what we are.

Feeding our body temple clean, whole and organic foods helps our immune system do its job; keeping us healthy. When our system is full of toxins our bodies work hard to clear all of the bad stuff. This puts a stress on the body, make it difficult to stay in tip top shape. The less toxins we have in our systems the healthier we will be. What do I mean by toxins? I mean stuff like processed foods and sugars, dairy, gluten and processed grains. Studies show that our systems do not recognize these substances as food. Our bodies function best on whole foods. Fruits and vegetables, grass fed pasture raised meats and eggs. Make sure to eat lots of raw fruits and clean veggies throughout the day and enjoy a warm whole foods meal for dinner. Feeding your body with these amazing fresh foods full of life and vitality will affirm your desire to be alive and well!

* Becoming well also includes minding the company you keep. Take an inventory of the negative Nellie's in your life and reorganize as necessary. Eliminate those whom bring you down, lack empathy and compassion, those who do not honor your boundaries and leave you feeling drained emotionally and energetically.

* Shake it off and move your body. Whatever little energetic buggers are sticking to you. This could be persistent negative thoughts, past conflicts and interactions that have you veering from the present moment. Shake it off!! Literally shake your body, dance, rebound, hike, whatever it is just move the energy.

* Flush your body. Drink plenty of fluids. Herbal teas, water with lemon. Whatever is your potion, drink lots of it. (But not alcohol ;)). That wouldn't be loving.

* Wash your hands and most importantly, don't forget to laugh!! Laughing massages our organs and moves our lymph system. Imagine your organs laughing with you.

Keep it simple and light. If you happen to get blessed with the wellness bug, be with it and care for yourself through it and don't be afraid to ask for help.

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